Don't worry — we take care of it all.


Here at Barking Lot, we pride ourselves in being able to take care of a wide variety of needs for you and your dog. Save time and effort with the following variety of services and products:

  • Full Day & Half Day Daycare

  • Grooming with a Tenured Groomer

  • Bathing, Nail Clipping, Teeth Brushing, Anal Gland Treatment

  • Food, Collars, Treats, Leashes, and more!


Our Services

For your convenience, daycare is broken up in two ways — full day sessions and half day sessions. A full day is any stay more than 5 hours, while a half day is any session during the day that is less than 5 hours.

For example, if you drop-off at 8AM and pick-up at 5PM, that session would be considered a full day session. If you dropped your pup off with us at 8AM and picked them up at 12PM, that would be considered a half day session.